Monday, April 28, 2014

The most recent CRAZINESS!

So...we have decided to get a dog!  Max is a very friendly, loving, energetic boxer!  Max has been a great puppy!  He has been getting all of us more on a schedule and that is great!  I would also like to mention we will be adding Baby #4 in July!  Baby #4 is a miracle!  We believe that we are truly blessed to be able to bring her into our home!  For the first 3 babies, it took medical help and determination to get them into our family. Then I get a tumor removed from my brain and just like that I get pregnant! Yes, I do believe we are trying to cram the most craziness in that we can!  

Miss L is getting herself mentally ready for school to be out for summer. Although, she is super excited to spend time with her Grandparents throughout the summer!  Miss E is very excited for summer!  She is all signed up for softball and swimming!  She loves school, but I believe that she is equally in love with the idea of taking a break from it!  Mr. H is a VERY active little boy!  He keeps me on my toes ALL day long!!  He is growing up so fast!  He says doggy, cracker, cookie and go.  He is a little ham and knows he is HILARIOUS! He enjoys entertaining everyone!!  Mr. J getting all set-up to remodel our kitchen!  We are replacing the flooring, cabinets, counters, island, sink, facet, paint color, pretty much everything, but appliances!  We are excited to FINALLY be able to do this after 5 years of living here! I am trying to get myself mentally prepared to have a 21 month old ball of energy, a one year old puppy and a newborn baby girl!  What was I thinking?!?!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I can hardly believe that it has been 2 years since I have updated this blog! We have added a child since then!  Henry William was born on 10.22.12! He is such a wonderful little ball of energy!  We love him so!  He is always on the go and into everything! There is the term that your house should be 'baby-proofed', but in our house we call it 'Henry-proofed'.  He surprises us everyday with what he can accomplish!
Miss L is now in 2nd grade and reads above her grade level!  She is an exceptional artist, also.  Albeit, this is coming from the mom that is still trying to perfect the stick figure.
Miss E has entered Kindergarten.  She loves going to school everyday!  She is really grasping  reading and writing.  I am amazed at the knowledge that is coming out of her.
Mr. J continues to work hard so that I may stay home with the little one!  Before Mr. H came along, I was scared I would have to go back to work.  But Mr. H came and has blessed me to not have to return to work outside the home.  So to that, I owe him my gratitude!